Saturday, April 26, 2008

Supply and Suport Vessels

Some of these pictures where used by my wife on her blog but I thought they are worth another look The guys who work these boats patrol around the offshore platforms to move equipment and supplies from the beach to the platforms also from platform to platform Part of there work is also to stop unidentified vessels getting to close to the installation's.
And aid any safety drills or evacuations
As you can see they don't always have the easiest of jobs.

Friday, April 25, 2008

North Africa

I have arrived back from Algeria after doing a survey of a LNG gas plant that is undergoing a refurbishment of a new gas train to replace two that exploded in 2002 killing 27 people As you will notice its a beautiful climate
It is a shame that there regime as not gone for a big tourist industry to go along with there fuel resourses as the beach's and the countryside is on a par with none.
This is a view from my hotel room as you can see by the time marker I arrived early Monday but unfortunatly i only had a couple of hours before I was transported my some Ex military service men to the contractors work site

Thursday, April 24, 2008

SKY watych Blackpool

The only thing missing from the 1st picture is a Heavenly voice and face appearing Tumble weed required

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Guess where we have been

To-day we have had a jaunt I think you will probably guess where we went sorry not been on much due to work commitments there as been no interesting jaunts to publish but things should change soon Tina and Angelo enjoying the summer weather on the beach at Lytham St Annes
In the words of Rolf Harris do we know where we are yet

Did Superman take a wrong turning

On Guard

As I have said before these are my action shots of Jed an Jem on Patrol of the castle grounds We just wish they would be this quiet at 02:00 am

Someone must have mentioned food or old womtigs arrived